A cooperative approach to reproductive science...
Physicians trained in NaProTECHNOLOGY® (NaPro) are called FertilityCare™ Medical Consultants. These doctors use the charting information from the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System as the basis of their NaPro practice. The biomarkers identified through charting provide valuable insight into the woman's reproductive health, and allow diagnostic tests to be done at targeted times in her unique cycle. Once a diagnosis is reached, the charting allows the Medical Consultant to monitor the effectiveness the treatment plan by observing potential changes to these biomarkers. The patient is still working with her Practitioner throughout this time to assist with the charting.
The treatment approach is restorative - through the use of medications, diet, lifestyle, supplements, and bioidentical hormone supplementation, the goal is to bring the woman's body into normal, healthy cycles with healthy hormone levels. Male factor fertility is also investigated and treated if required. Pregnancies are monitored for appropriate hormone levels, and supplementation provided if needed.
Restorative solutions for things like​
menstrual cramps
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Ovarian cysts
Irregular/abnormal bleeding
Hormonal abnormalities
Postpartum depression/anxiety
Prematurity prevention
Chronic discharges
And more!

Where can I find a NaPro Medical Consultant?
Practitioners are able to provide a referral to a Medical Consultant early on in the learning of the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System. These doctors are located in various cities in Ontario, and after the initial visit in person can provide virtual care if needed.
*Due to the reliance on the charting, Medical Consultants are generally only able to accept referrals from FertilityCare™ Practitioners *
Note that some Ontario NaPro Medical Consultants can provide out-of-province care, however the initial appointment is still required to be in person.
Want more infomation?
Feel free to book a session with us for more information on NaProTECHNOLOGY®.
You can also visit
Or take a few moments and watch this video produced by the Dominical Friars entitled
NaPro: A Quiet Revolution