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What is the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System?

The Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrMS) relies on the standard observation and charting of biological markers of a woman's health and fertility. Working with a trained Practitioner, the woman can interpret this information for the maintenance of her reproductive health. Additionally, couples can use this knowledge provided by the biomarkers to plan their family. 


These biomarkers can tell a couple when they are fertile and infertile, allowing couples to use the system to either achieve or avoid pregnancy. They can also provide insight into the woman's reproductive health. It is quite amazing what can be seen through the standardized charting of these specific biomarkers! Practitioners are connected to doctors who practice NaProTECHNOLOGY® to help diagnose and treat concerns noted in the charting.


The CrMS is based on over 40 years of solid scientific evidence and ongoing research. Practitioners guide clients in how to look for, classify and chart cervical mucus and bleeding, providing the window into her health and fertility.

Learning the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System

Learning this method of charting is done through standardized Follow-up sessions. Over the course of approximately 12 months, a trained Practitioner will work with you to develop the habits of properly observing and charting your cervical mucus using the standardized language of the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System. These one-on-one sessions are more frequent in the early weeks and months of learning, and are more spread out as you gain confidence in your charting. Private Follow-up sessions also allow the Practitioner to personalize the use of the information gathered based on your reproductive status (menarche, regular or irregular cycles, breastfeeding, perimenopause, etc.) combined with the intentions of the couple.

It all starts with the chart!

Laughing Couple


Throughout the learning of the Creighton Model, you will also encounter encouragement and development in 

Spiritual intimacy

Physical intimacy

Intellectual intimacy

Creative intimacy

Emotional intimacy

All users can discover the inner soul of human sexuality by exploring the multidimensional nature of true sexual interaction. 

Physical intimacy has a balanced and joyful place in the totality of a relationshp.

Young Women with Backpacks


Youth Program

Modified charting is taught with a focus on understanding and appreciating her body and the gift of being created female.


Can be done alone, in small groups, or as mother-daughter sessions.

Inspired by faith, grounded in science.

Tel: 416-465-2868
Fax: 855-276-1127
Suite 106
16-1375 Southdown Road
Mississauga, ON
L5J 2Z1

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